Newman to Governor Shute" Gloucester. May 12, 1717. Massachusetts Archives
May it please yr.
This morning my Self & some of the malitia of our
town received Information of a sloop that was come into our town this morning
that gave an account that they had bin taken by the pirates and Immediately we
sent for two of the men that came in the Sloop, whos names are John Pearce
& Richard Martin who gave the following account & Information, who say,
that they being on bord a Sloop of which one Mr. Daniel Collins was master
belonging to this town of Glocestor and in their way to the Eastward on a
fishing voyage on the tenth day of this instant about Eight of the clock in the
morning we being about fourty Leagues to the Eastward of Cape Ann we saw a
small sloop to windward of us of about
twenty five Tuns which we tooke to be a fisherman & she bore down towards
us & we saw but four men on bord her & when she came prittey nigh shee
hailed us & asked wher wee belonged & we told them to Cape Ann & we
asked wher they belonged they said to Boston & immediately there came up on
deck severall men more well armed & Immediately they run us on bord and
four of them Jumpt on board our vessell which was a sloope of about fourty tuns
& took us prisoners there was
nineteen of the Pirates & they tould us that they ware the only men that
Escaped that belonged to the Ship that run on shoar at Cape Cod and that they
made there Escape in the long boat & said that they had taken three
Shallops & three Scooners that belonged to Marblehead & had sett them
att liberty again to goe about there business and did them noe damage.
kept us prisoners about twelve hours in which time they tooke what goods &
things that was on bord ther Sloop which was severall Chests Trunks & bail goods
and brought them on bord our sloop and then they gave us & two men more
which came home with us one of which men belonged to the Sloop they ware in
when she was taken, the Sloop which we came home in & bid us make the best
of our way home.
They Kept our master & two more of our men & the
Master that did belong to the Sloop they ware in when they tooke her. And they
tould our master that as soon as they could meet with a vessell that they liked
they would sett him & his vessell att liberty again & if they did not
meete with a vessell in a little time they would sett him & his vessell at
Liberty in Twenty five days and that they would sattisfy him well for what
damage he should sustain by being put out of his way & then we came away
from them, and when we left them they stood away about South South East but did
not tell us where they Intended to goe. They also gave us acct. of three sloop
more that ware on the Coast of Tenn Gunns apeice & with a hundred &
niney men in Each Sloope.
Our people are prittey much surprized for feare any of
said Pirates should come on Shoar and Rob us we haveing noe fortification to
secure Our harbour though we shall be as careful as we can & have Ordered a
watch & also designe to Keep aware to see if we can make any discovery. Mr.
Allin the hear of who is Ensigne of one of our foott companies was present when
the above named persons were Examined
wee would humbly crave your Excelonsy's advice for any thing further
that may be done and if we can gain any further Information shall forwith
according to my duty acquaint your Exocelensy with it.