
Monday, July 1, 2013

The Prisoners


His name was Thomas, and he was a prisoner on board the Whydah on the night of April 26, 1717 when it ran aground in a storm and was lost with only 2 survivors.
Thomas' ship was the Mary Anne, which was captured by Sam Bellamy in the Whydah earlier on the day of its destruction. When the seven pirates came on board to take charge of her, Thomas was one of the four crewmen sent with Captain Crumpstey to the Whydah as prisoners. Sam demanded to see the Captain's papers, then sent the men below. Their captivity would guarantee the good behavior of the remaining crewmen left behind on the Mary Anne.
He was a simple mariner, with a wife he loved, who was pregnant with their first child. This trip was supposed to be a short one for Thomas. He wasn't going across the water but only to the next port, so that he could be home with his wife for the birth of their child.
While held prisoner on the Whydah, Thomas and the others could feel the change in the weather, could hear the shouts as they grew more desperate to survive the storm. When the ship struck ground, they were tossed around the same as the others, and had no chance to save themselves.
Thomas is another from the sailors and pirates on the Whydah whose soul has been stuck since that night. By telling even this much of his story he is also being helped to get stronger so it can move forward and go on.
Thomas' wife in that time was his soul mate. He was one of the first of the pirates I ever "spoke" to. He begged to talk to me because by telling his story I was freeing him to rejoin his soul mate. He was so plaintive that I couldn't turn down his request to talk.

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