
Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Little Bit More About Me

Today I thought it would be fun to share a little bit more about me with you. I did some creative writing in High School and College, but stopped writing after graduation. Life just got in the way.

After attending the Real Pirates exhibit in Denver, CO, in June of 2011, suddenly I was writing again. I was writing down dreams in a journal and also doing extensive research which eventually led to my first published article, “Peter Cornelius Hoof and Me.”

While I did take some creative writing classes in High School and in College, I am not a graduate of a focused creative writing program. Writing Peter’s article was hard work, as I had to recall my research and writing techniques from school.
The floor desk

When I wrote Peter’s article I sat on pillows on the floor because I didn’t have enough desk space to spread out my books.  So the first draft was done by hand in a spiral notebook.

Now that I have a nicer desk chair, I do my writing at my desk and mostly directly onto the computer. I keep notebooks around, though because sometimes I need to have that touch with writing and real paper. Plus it’s fun to sit in a restaurant and have people staring at you because you’re handwriting in a notebook! I’ve also discovered that now that many kids aren’t being taught to read cursive anymore, I’m actually writing in a sort of code! (Now how perfect is that for someone interested in pirates?)

desk space!
Recently, though, I realized that it would be even more convenient to be able to take a small computer with me when I go somewhere to eat or spend an afternoon. Instead of having to transcribe everything onto the computer when I get home, I could type right into a computer while I’m out.
So a few weeks ago I picked up Silver, a 10” HP Pavilion computer which had the added bonus of coming with a full version of MS Office. It doesn’t have a DVD drive, but will be perfect for the simple word processing I’m planning on using it for while I’m out of the house.
So, that is a little bit more about me. Hope you enjoyed it!

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