
Friday, May 9, 2014


Aliti – 2002 to May 9th, 2014

Tonight's visit to the Vet proved that he has deteriorated significantly since his last visit two weeks ago. He is basically blind – he reacts to sound but doesn't really initiate any action of his own. He is friendly, never tries to bite or growl or scratch, but as the Vet says, his demeanor is one of “just laying around,” and not really initiating any activity. The Vet said he appeared to have a lesion, for which there is not really much to be done. He could have sent me to a specialist, but he is so non-enthusiastic about life that we both felt that it would just prolong his suffering. He barely ate and could hardly get around anymore. The Vet thought maybe the lesion and the sight problem contributed to the staggering. He also had tremors, which almost looked like he was getting ready to have a seizure. You couldn't tell about the sight problem at home probably because he lived here so long he knew his way around by heart. Any Vet who worked with him loved him because he never tried to bite or scratch or even hiss. He would just lay there and let them do their job. Dr Sharkey was sad to
see him go.

Those who know me know that I lost my 18 year cat Houdini back in February. Aliti has not been the same since. Now they are both at peace and playing together again like youngsters.

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