
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just one more from the vignettes

                She had spent the afternoon with Andre and another sailor, being escorted about the port to do some shopping and in general to enjoy some rare time away from the ship.

                But the light was fading, evening coming on, and time for her to be back on board the ship, and safety.

                They stopped off at one of the wharf-side taverns, where they found Andre holding court with two other captains and the bulk of the crews of their ship and two others. There was no question that she would put in an appearance before being taken back to the ship. Andre would never have condoned it.

                When they reached Willie’s table, he had a tankard in his hand which he immediately set down on the table as he stood up to greet her.

                “Ah!” he exclaimed as she came up to him, encircling her in his arms.

                His embrace was warm and firm, allowing her no chance to exit. His kiss was hot and tasted of rum. He kissed her deeply and unabashedly before the entire tavern, oblivious to the catcalls of the sailors. She was his woman, and he knew how necessary it was to make this emphatic claim of ownership over her. It was impossible for her to go ashore in any port without sailors following her, hoping to lure her away from him.

                She didn’t dare to appear less than thrilled with his embrace or his affection in front of the entire tavern. For her to less than pleased with his attention would be a severe loss of status for him, and he would never forgive her. Willie was prestigious, and she had many privileges compared to most women she knew, but that all came with a price. If she lost her position as his woman, she would be left off God knew where to fend for herself. Andre would never tolerate her taking up with another member of the crew.

                So of course she surrendered herself to his embrace, giving him the appearance of manliness in front of everyone.

                In a moment, he was releasing her, and sighing with satisfaction. He brushed her hair back from her face with his right hand, still embracing her close with his left. His eyes on her were penetrating, looking for signs of discontentment. Seeing none, he kissed her again briefly.

                “Did you find everything you need?” He asked her quietly, now wrapping both arms around her. She let herself be drawn tight against him. She looked into his eyes.

                “Yes,” she said, Andre made sure we found the right shops and we got the best prices.” She nodded her head at her packages.   

                Willie laughed lightly, as always enjoying her womanly “silliness” of enjoying shopping.

                “Good,” he said, and embraced her again. After another kiss, he spoke again, “But this is not the place for Captain Willie’s woman. These men have been drinking and gaming and will soon become violent. Let Andre take you back to the ship. You’ll be safe there.”

                “All right my love,” she replied, and they kissed once more before he released her and she turned to follow Andre obediently back to the ship.  


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