
Friday, August 8, 2014

Memorial of Thomas Davis

If you have read the transcript from his trial for piracy on October 28th, 1717, then you know that he makes an extensive statement about whether or not he was forced to go with the pirates.

In this post, I wanted to present some information about Thomas Davis that was not included in the trial transcript and might be of interest to my readers:


"Memorial of Thomas Davis" Boston. [n.d.] SCF Frag.26283, paper 2.


          Province of the Massachusetts Bay. To His Excellency Samuel Shute, Esquire, Governour and the Honourable His Majesties Council for the said Province.

          The Memorial and humble Representation of Thomas Davis of Bristol in Great Britain, Shipwright,

          Sheweth, That in the month of September last past he sailed out of Bristol as carpenter of the Ship St. Michael, whereof James Williams was the Commander, bound for Jamaica, and on or about the sixteenth day of December following We met two Pyrate Sloops, One commanded by Capt. Samuel Bellame, and the other by Monsr Louis Le Bou[s], who took the said ship about twenty Leagues off of Sabia and carried us to the Island of Blanco, where We were Kept till the ninth day of January when your Memo. (with about fourteen more Prisoners taken by the said Pyrate Sloope) was forced on board the ship Sultana Gally, taken from Capt. John Richards, then under the said Bellames Command, And afterwards the said Bellame took another ship called the Whiddo, and your Memo., with the rest of the said Ships compa., Came in her upon this Coast, where she was Cast away, as is very well Known, and your Memo. (with one Jno. Julian) only Escaped [and was then apprehended on April 29]. And since his Imprisom't he is Informed That some have Reported that your Memo. was several times on board the said ship after she was cast away and Knew where a considerable part of her Treasure was, and that he had concealed some of it; and many other things have been given out concerning your Memo. very falsely, to the great prejudice of your Memo, Who is altogether Ignorant of what is Alledged against him, And hath already Discharged his Conscience by making a true and full Discovery of all he knows referring to the premises . But your Memo. being a stranger was not Credited and therefore he had no better Fare than the Pyrates, being in Chains as well as they: Whereas he declares from his heart that he was forced along with them, very contrary to his will and to his great grief and sorrow, and was no ways Active among them any further than he was compelled.

          And forasmuch as your Memo. understands that the Pyrates in Prison suspect that he will make such discoverys as will not be pleasing to them, he is fearful least they should hurt him, if not deprive him of life, to prevent his Testimony against them. Your Memo, therefore and for the considerations before mentioned Humbly prays your Excellency and Honours will so far Indulge him as to free him from his chains and Imprisom't with the pyrates, and that he may have some Apartm't seperate from them, and that such other Relief may be given to your poor pet'r (who is Innocent of what is laid to his Charge) as the matter will bear, and as to Your Excellency and Honours in your great Moderation and Compassion shall seem meet.

          And your Memo. (as is Duty) bound) shall ever pray,



"Fragment of Instructions" [undated] SCF 26283.


33. In case any Goods, Money or other Estate of Pirates or Piratically taken [goods] shall be brought in or found within his Majesty's said Province of the Massachusetts Bay you are to cause the same to be Seized and Secured untill you shall have given his Majesty an Account thereof and received his pleasure concerning the Disposal thereof but in case such Goods or any part of them are perishable the same shall be publickly sold and disposed of and the produce thereof in like manner Secured until his Majesty's farther Order

34. And whereas Commissions have been granted unto several Persons in his Majesty's respective Plantations in America for the Trying of Pirates in those Parts pursuant to the Act for the more Effectuall Suppression of Piracy and by a Commission already sent to his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay You (as Captain General and Governour in Chief of his Majesty's sd Province) are Impowered together with others therein mentioned to proceed Accordingly in reference to his Majesty's said [Province?].  His Majesty's Will and Pleasure is that in all Matters relating to Pirates you Govern your self according to the Intent of the Act of Commission affore mentioned But whereas Accessories in cases of Piracy beyond the Sea are by the sd Act left to be try'd in England According to the Statute of the 28th of King Henry the 8th His Majesty does hereby farther direct and require you to sent all such accessories in Cases of Piracy in his Majesty's foresaid Province with the proper Evidences that you have against them into this Kingdom in order to their being Tryed here.  It is his Majesty's farther pleasure that no Persons for the future be sent as Prisoners to this Kingdom from the Massachusetts Bay without sufficient proof of their Crimes and that proof transmitted along with the said Prisoners.

                                Compar'd with the Original [by?] We

                                                   Samuel Tyley

                    Not. Pub. & Registrar of ye Justiciary Court of Adm

                                 John Boydell Regr. of the Admiralty


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