
Thursday, October 9, 2014

John Shuan

In his interrogation before his trial for piracy in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1717 John Shuan provided this information:


John Shuan declares That he was born in Nantes [France], 24 years old, a Mariner. That two months and a half ago he was taken by Bellamy in an English ship coming from Jamaica [=The Tanner Frigate], commanded by a Englishman and a Frenchman, bound from Pettiguavas to Rachel [=Rochelle], with sugar. This Examinate Knows nothing of the Scotch vessel's being sunk. When Crumpste­y's Pink was taken on this coast, He desired Bellamy to give him leave to go on board her, but could not obtain it, by reason he had not taken up arms, Yet afterwards Bellamy let him go. He further declares that he was never upon the list as the rest were; That in the Ship he belonged to the Pirates found 5000 livres and on board of Bellamy's there was a great quantity of silver and gold.


Side note: Nantes during this period of time was France’s largest port, and had been built on a trade in rum, sugar, and slaves.


During the trial, John had to make the court aware that he did not understand the proceedings:


And then all the Prisoners held up their hands again at the Bar, and severally pleaded, Not Guilty, Except John Shuan a French-man, who made known to the Court, That he did not understand English, and therefore was ignorant of what he was charged with in the Indictment. And there upon Mr. Peter Lucy of Boston, Merchant (being a person of good Credit) was Sworn Interpreter between the Court and the said Shuan; and then by the Courts direction the said Lucy informed the said John Shuan in his own Language of the Several Articles Alledged against him in the said Indictment, and then he held up his hand at the Bar and pleaded, Not Guilty.

The Prisoners having severally pleaded to the Indictment, desired Copies thereof, and a further day to prepare for their Trial.


These witnesses testified about John during the course of the trial:


            Thomas FitzGyrald late Mate of the Pink Mary Anne of Dublin in Ireland, Testifyeth and saith, That on or about the Twenty-fourth day of April last past, the said Pink left Nantasket in New-England, bound for New York, under Command of Capt. Andrew Crumstey; and on Friday the 26th day of the said Month, between the Hours of Four & Six of the Clock in the Morning, they discovered two Sail a-Stern, viz. a large Ship and a Snow, between Nantucket Shoals & St. Georges Banks, which came up with the Pink in the Morning, with the Kings Ensign and Pendant flying; the large Ship was found to be the Whido, whereof Samuel Bellamy a Pirate was Commander, Who ordered the Pink to strike her Colours, and then hoisted out their Boat, and sent the Seven Prisoners, now at the Bar, on board the said Pink, all Armed with Musquets, Pistols and Cutlasses, except Thomas South and John Shuan. And further the Deponent, Declares & saith, That the said Thomas South, soon after he came on board, Declared to him the Deponent his Intention to make his escape from the Whido, as soon as he could but Shuan was very forward & active on board the Pink, altho' he had no Weapon with him.



James Dunavan Mariner, late belonging to the Pink Mary Anne, and Brother-in-Law to Captain Crumpstey late Master thereof saith [cf.17/05/06/03], That the said Pink belonged to Ireland, was Owned by the Subjects of the King of Great-Britain, and was Taken on the 26th Day of April last past, under English Colours by Samuel Bellamy Commander of the Pirate Ship Whido, That Simon Van Vorst and the rest of the Prisoners at the Bar came on Board the Pink Armed, and had their Pistols Charged with Powder and Ball, except Thomas South and John Shuan, and Ordered the Captain with Five Hands more to go on Board the Ship with his Papers: And that the Prisoners at the Bar steer'd the Pink after Bellamy's Ship, as he gave Orders. That they drank plentifully of the Wines on Board; That Thomas South's Behaviour in the Pink was civil and peaceable. The Deponent further saith, That he heard John Baker  threaten to shoot Mackcona­chy, Cook of the Pink, thro the head, because he steer'd to the windward of his Course; and said moreover, That he would make no more to shoot him, than he would a Dog; and that he should never go on shoar to tell his Story



            Alexander Mackconachy, late Cook of the Pink Mary Anne of Dublin, saith, That on the 26th day of April last past, in the course of their Voyage from Nantasket to New York, they were taken by a Pirate Ship called the Whido, Commanded by Capt. Samuel Bellamy, That all the Prisoners at the Bar came on board the said Pink armed, except Thomas South and John Shuan, and made themselves Masters of the Pink; and that Simon Van Vorst ordered the Captain to go on board the Ship Whido, with his Papers and five of his hands. The Deponent further saith, That the Pink was cast away opposite to an Island, called Slutts-bush; and after the Prisoners were carryed to the Main Land they looked very sorrowful, and made all imaginable speed in order to escape from the hands of Justice. That Thomas South behaved himself Civily.  That Thomas Baker cut down the Fore-mast & Mizen-mast of the Pink when she run on shoar.



            Thomas Checkley Mariner saith, That he knows John Shuan the Prisoner at the Bar, That he belonged to the Tanner Frigot one John Stover Master, and sometime in March last left the said Ship or Frigot was taken in the prosecution of her Voyage from Pettyguavus to Old France, by Capt. Samuel Bellamy and Monsieur Lebous, they pretended to be Robbin Hoods Men. That Shuan declared himself to be now a Pirate, and went up and unrigged the Main-top-mast by order of the Pirates, who at that time forced no Body to go with them; and said they would take no Body against their Wills.



            John Shuan by his Interpreter saith, That he was sick at the time when Capt. Bellamy took him and went on board the Pirate Vessel at the Instance of Capt. Bellamy's Doctor, who advised him to stay with him till his Cure.  And that when he went on board the Pink Mary Anne he did not carry Arms with him; and that he hoped by going on board the Pink he could the sooner make his escape from the Pirates, for that he had a better way of getting his living than by Pirating.


The Reverend Cotton Mather spoke with the pirates as they walked to the gallows. He recorded his conversations with them afterwards. Since there is no evidence that he had any sort of scribe or other type of secretary with him, these conversations must be filled through the filter of his memory.


            The Last among the Sons of Death, was a poor Frenchman (called John Shuan,) to whom inasmuch as he understood not English and had been a Roman Catholick, the Minister thus applied himself.

CM:  O Pecheur tres-miserable. Vous estes un Prisonnier de la Justice; Mais Vous estes a Prisonnier de L'Esperance.

            Notre Seigneur et Sauveur JESUS CHRIST, est
L'Esperance des Pecheurs; Et il ny a point de salut en aucun autre.

            Cette parole est certaine, et digne d'etre 'Entierement receue; C'est que JESUS CHRIST est venu au monde, pour Sauver les pecheurs. Mais il est fort necessaire, d'invoqeur votre Saveur. Yous pleurez d'une manieve Lamentable; Las! Miserable Ie fuis; qui me delivra?

            JESUS CHRIST Le Grand Saveur du Monde, respond, Regardez vers moi et foyez Sauvez. Entendez vous!

JS: Ouy, Monsieur. Ie l'entende bien.

CM: Ah, Mon Frere! Les Cordeaux de la Mort vous avoient Environnez; Et Les destresses d'Enfer vous aveient rencontrez. Mais, Invoques Le Nom de l'Eternal, disant, Ie te prie, Eternal, Delivre mon Ame.

            O Meschant, Retourntz a L'eternal, et [P.32] il aura pitie du vous, et il pardonner a tant et plus Entendez vous?

JS:  Ouy! Monsieur; le vous remercy.

CM: Mais il faut que vous vous contentions du soul sacrifice, et de L'Intorcession de JESUS CHRIST. Nul n'obtient pardon de fes pechez, par fa propres merites, ou par la Mediation de quelque creature. Il faut, que votre prieve fost, O L'Obeissance de JESUS CHRIST a ta loy, O mon Dieu, est ma seule Justice. En consider­ation de cette seule Justice, fai que l'Obtienne pardon et Faveur aupres de Toi, Ie Renonce, Ie Renonce a tous autres Mediateurs.

            Que dites Vous!  Renouncez vous tous autre Mediuateurs!

JS: Ie ne scay pas ce quele diray.

CM: Ie remets votre spirit en la main de votre Redempteur JESUS CHRIST.


Translated into English, at the Desire of the Bookseller.

CM: Most Miserable Sinner; You are a Prisoner of Justice, but you are yet a Prisoner of Hope.  Our Lord and Savious JESUS CHRIST is the Hope of Sinners; and indeed there is not Salvation in any other.

            This is a Saying most certain, and worthy to be of all Entirely received; That JESUS CHRIST is come into the World, for to save Sinners.

            But it is most Necessary, that you call upon your Saviour.

            You make this Lamentable Outcry; O wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me!

            JESUS CHRIST, the Great SAVIOUR of the World, gives this Answer, Look unto me, and be saved. Understand you what I say?

JS:  Yes, Syr: I understand you very well.

CM: Ah, My Brother; The Cords of Death compass you, the Anguishes of Hell come upon you. But now, Call on the Name of the LORD, and say, O Lord, I beseech thee, Deliver my Soul.

            Sinful Man, Return to the Lord and He will have pity on you; and He will abundantly pardon you. Do you understand me?

JS:  Yes syr; and I thank you.

CM: But you must then take up with the only Sacrifice and Intercession of JESUS CHRIST. No one comes at the Pardon of his Sins, on the account of his own Deserts, or thro' the Mediation of any Creature. Your Prayer must be this: O my GOD, The Obedience of JESUS CHRIST unto thy Law is my only Righteousness. For the sake of that Righteousness only grant that I may find pardon and mercy with thee! I Renounce, I Renounce all other Mediators? What do you say to This? Do you Renounce all other Mediators?

JS:  I can't well tell, what to say to it?

CM:  I commit your Spirit into the Hand of JESUS CHRIST, your Redeemer.

At the Place of Execution, a Prayer was made by a Minister of the City; The Chief Heads whereof were





“The Trials of Eight Persons Indited [sic] for Piracy,” in British Piracy in the Golden Age, edited by Joel H. Baer. Pickering & Chatto, 2007, 2: 289-319.

Mather, Cotton. "Instructions to the Living, from the Condition of the Dead" in British Piracy in the Golden Age, edited by Joel H. Baer. Pickering & Chatto, 2007, 4: 129-144.

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