
Saturday, March 28, 2015

A further story of Henry Jennings

Captain Samuell Liddall master of the Sloop Cocoa Nutt attending was called in and being duly Sworne and Examined declared to the Effect following,

            That Sometime in the Month of March last he cleared  from this Island for Carolina, but had orders from Mr. James Knight and Mr. John Lewis his owners to go look for the Wreck, and after his departure from Jamaica mett with Capt. Jennings in the Barsheba and Capt. Ashworth in the Mary near the west end of [The Isle of] Pines and in two or three days after mett with Captain Carnega near Cape Antonio in a Sloop, the name whereof he Cannot recollect, and Joyning them agreed to go to the Wrecks and in order thereto Kept together till they Came to the Bay of houndo where they found a french Ship and there Came to anchor, and afterwards Capt. Jennings sent a small Canoa with the Companie's Quarter Master  and Two Men More on board the Said French Ship who returning again gave an Account that she had about fourteen or Sixteen Guns and forty five Men or there­abouts on board her, after which they Endeavoured to prevaile with the said depont. to Joyne with them to Attack her which he refusing alleadging that he had seen her at Vera Cruz, and beleived she was there a trader on a Lawfull occation. Capt. Jennings thereupon answered he designed to be a Long side of her that Night, and this Depont. desired him Not to Attack the said french Ship till next Morning alleadging he would goe on board with him to See if they could make a Lawfull prize of her, and afterwards about ten a Clock that Night Capt. Jennings of the Barsheba, and Capt Ashworth of the Mary were Towed in by Two piraguas that came from the Bay and the said Depont. Declared that about Thirty Small Arms were fired by the assailants upon the French Ship and one Great Gun which was said to be fired by Capt. Jennings himself, and the French fired not So Much as a Pistoll, and that Allen Bernard the Captain's Quarter Master was then on board her whome he believed had lately had the Belly ache and was then weakly, but Declared the Said Capt. Jennings' Quarter Master Allen Bernard did not appear to be forwarder than the rest of the Company & that the said Captain Carnegie remained without the Barr, but Came in the next Morning and Joyned with the Barsheba and the Mary and lay along Side the French Ship, and that twenty-three of the said Deponent's Men left him, and Joyned with the rest of the Assailants, Some of them going on before the Attack was Made, of which Number the Company's Quarter Master named Thomas, to the best of the said Deponent's remembrance was one, and others Joyning them the day following, and after Capt. Carnegie was in the harbour he was towed out, and it was reported he went to take a french Sloop or vessell at Marian but what further happened this Deponent Knowed Not, he having left them, and afterwards returned to Jamaica and further this Deponent Saith not, Save that he returned to Jamaica with six or Seven white Men and about twenty Negroes.

"Deposition of Samuel Liddell" Jamaica. August 7, 1716. Jamaican Council Minutes

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