HEN.VIII.c.15 AN ACTE for punysshement
of Pyrotes and Robbers of the See" The Statutes of the Realm Printed by
Command of His Majesty King George the Third in Pursuance of An Address of the
House of Commons of Great Britain from Original Records and Authentic
Manuscripts 3:671. London. 1963.
[pr.8] And be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That some Person being a
Publick Notary shall be Register of the Court and in case of his Absence Death
or Incapacity or for Want of a Person soe qualified the President of the Court
shall and may appoint a Register giveing him an Oath which he is hereby
impowered to administer duely faithfully and impartially to execute his Office
which Register shall prepare all Warrants and Articles and take care to provide
all Things requisite for any Tryall according to the substantiall and
essentiall Parts of Proceedings in a Court of Admiralty in the most summary Way
and shall take Minutes of the whole Proceedings and enter them duely in a Booke
by him to be kept for that Purpose and shall from time to time as Oppportunity
offers transmit the same with the Copies of all Articles and Judgments given in
any such Cases in any Court whereof he shall be Register unto the High Court of
Admiralty of England
[pr.9] And be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That if any of His Majesties
naturall borne Subjects or Denizens [=inhabitants] of this Kingdome shall
committ any Piracy or Robbery or any Act of Hostility against other His
Majesties Subjects upon the Sea under Colour of any Commission from any Forreigne
Prince or State or Pretence of Authority from any Person whatsoever [eg.James
II] such Offender and Offenders and every of them shall be deemed adjudged and
taken to be Pirates Felons and Robbers and they and every of them being duly
convicted thereof according to this Act or the aforesaid Statute of King Henry
the Eighth shall have and suffer such Pains of Death Losse of Lands Goods and
Chattells as Pirates Felons and Robbers upon the Seas ought to have and suffer
[pr.11] And whereas
severall evill disposed Persons in the Plantations and elsewhere have
contributed very much towards the Encrease and Encouragement of Pirates by
setting them forth and by aiding abetting receiveing and concealeing them and
their Goods and there being some Defects in the Laws for bringing such
evill-disposed Persons to condign Punishment Be it enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That all and every Person and
Persons whatsoever who after the Twenty ninth Day of September in the Yeare of
our Lord One thousand seaven hundred shall either on the Land or upon the Seas
wittingly or knowingly sett forth any Pirate or aid and assist or maintaine
procure command counsell or advise any Person or Persons whatsoever to doe or
committ any Piracies or Robberies upon the Seas and such Person [and? or?]
Persons shall thereupon doe or committ any such Piracy or Robbery then all and
every such Person or Persons whatsoever soe as aforesaid setting forth any
Pirate or aiding assisting maintaining procuring commanding counselling or
adviseing the same either on the Land or upon the Sea shall be and are hereby
declared and shall be deemed and adjudged to be accessory to such Piracy and
Robbery done and committed
[pr.12] And
further That after any Piracy or Robbery
is or shall be committed by any Pirate or Robber whatsoever every Person and
Persons who knowing that such Pirate or Robber has done or committed such
Piracy and Robbery shall on the Land or upon the Sea receive entertaine or
conceale any such Pirate or Robber or receive or take into his Custody any
Shipp Vessell Goods or Chattells which have been by any such Pirate or Robber
piratically and feloniously taken shall be and are hereby likewise declared
deemed and adjudged to be accessory to such Piracy and Robbery And that after the said Nine and twentieth
Day of September all such Accessaries to such Piracies and Robberies shall and
may be enquired of tried heard determined and adjudged after the common course
of the Laws of this Land according to the said Statute made in the Twenty
eighth Yeare of King Henry the Eighth as the Principalls of such Piracies and Robberies
may and ought to be and no otherwise and being thereupon attainted shall suffer
such Pains of Death Losses of Lands Goods and Chattells and in like Manner as
the Principalls of such Piracies Robberies and Felonies ought to suffer
according to the said Statute of King Henry the Eighth which is hereby declared
to be and continue in full Force Any
thing in this present Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding
[pr.13] And forasmuch
as it will alsoe conduce to the suppressing of Robberies on the Sea if due
Encouragement is given and Rewards allowed to such Commanders Masters and other
Officers Seamen and Mariners as shall either bravely defend their owne Shipps
or take seize and destroy Pirates Sea-Rovers and Enemies Be it further enacted
[p.593] by the Authority aforesaid That
when any English Shipp shall have been defended against any Pirates Enemies or
Sea-Rovers by Fight and brought to her designed Port in which Fight any of the
Officers or Seamen shall have been killed or wounded it shall and may be
lawfull to and for the Judge of His Majesties High Court of Admiralty or his
Surrogate in the Port of London or the Mayor Bailiffe or Chief Officer in the
severall Out-ports of this Kingdome upon the Petition of the Master or Seamen
of such Shipp soe defended as aforesaid to call unto him Four or more good and
substantiall Merchants and such as are no Adventurers [=investors] or Owners of
the Shipp or Goods soe defended and have no Manner of Interest therein and by
Advice with them to raise and levy upon the respective Adventurers and Owners
of the Shipp and Goods soe defended by Processe out of the said Court such
Summe or Summs of Money as himselfe and the said Merchants by Plurality of
Voices shall determine and judge reasonable not exceeding Two Pounds per Cent
of the Freight and of the Shipp and Goods soe defended according to the first
Costs of the Goods which Summe or Summs of Money soe raised shall be
distributed among the Captaine Master Officers and Seamen of the said Shipp or
Widows and Children of the slaine according to the Direction of the Judge of
the said Court or his Surrogate in the Port of London or the Mayor Bayliffe or
Chief Officer in the severall Out-ports of this Kingdom with the Approbation of
the Merchants aforesaid who shall proportion the same according to their best
Judgement unto the Shipps Company as aforesaid haveing speciall Regard unto the
Widows and Children of such as shall have beene slaine in that Service and such
as have beene wounded or maimed
[pr.14] And for the better
and more effectuall Prevention of Combinations and Confederacies for the
running away with or destroying of any Shipp Goods or Merchandizes Be it
further enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That a Reward of Tenne Pounds for every Shipp or Vessell of One hundred
Tons [3.1] or under and Fifteene Pounds for every Shipp or Vessell of a greater
Burden [3.1] shall be paid by the Captaine Commander or Master of every Shipp
or Vessell wherein any such Combination or Confederacy shall be sett on foot
for the running away with or destroying any such Shipp or the Goods and
Merchandizes therein laden to such Person as shall first make a Discovery
thereof upon due proofs of such Combination or Confederacy the same to be paid
att the Port where the Wages of the Seamen of the said Shipp are or ought to be
paid after such Discovery and Proofe made.
[pr.15] Provided
alsoe That this Act shall be in force
for Seaven Yeares and to the End of the next Session of Parliament after the
Expiration of the said Seaven Yeares and no longer
[pr.16] And for the
more effectuall Prosecution and Punishment of Piracies Felonies and Robberies
upon the Sea and of all other Offences aforementioned Be it declared and
enacted by the Authority aforesaid That
the Commissioners appointed or to be apointed by the aforementioned Statute of
King Henry the Eighth or the Commissioners for Tryall of Pirates appointed by
this Act shall from and after the said Nine and twentieth Day of September One
thousand seaven hundred have the sole Power and Authority of trying hearing and
determineing the said Crimes and Offences within all or any of the Colonies and
Plantations in America governed by Proprietors or under Grants or Charters from
the Crowne and of bringing the Offenders to condigne Punishment and shall and
may issue forth their Warrant or Warrants for the seizing and apprehending of
any Pirates Felons or Robbers upon the Sea or their Confederates or Accessaries
being within any of the said Colonies and Plantations in order to their being
brought to Tryall within the same or any other Plantation in America according
to this Act or sent into England to be tryed there and that all and every
Governour and Governours Person and Persons in Authority in the said Colonies
and Plantations governed by Proprietors or under Charters as aforesaid shall
assist the Commissioners and their subordinate Officers in doeing their Duty
and alsoe in the Execution of such Warrants and otherwise and shall deliver up
to such Commissioner or Commissioners Officer or Officers any Pirates Felons
and Robbers upon the Sea and their Confederates and Accessaries in order to
their being tryed or sent into England as aforesaid Any Letters Patent Grants or Charters of
Government in and about the said Plantations or other Usages heretofore had or
made to the contrary notwithstanding
[pr.17] [Separate
amendment annexed to the original Act]:
And be it hereby
further declared and enacted That if any
of the Governours in the said Plantations or any Person or Persons in Authority
there shall refuse to yield Obedience to this Act such Refusall is hereby
declared to be a Forfeiture of all and every the Charters granted for the
Government or Propriety of such Plantation]
[pr.18] Provided
alwaies and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That whensoever any Commission for the Tryall
and Punishment of the Offences aforesaid or any of them shall be directed or
sent to any Place within the Jurisdiction of the Cinque Ports [3.1] that then
every such Commission shall be directed unto the Lord Warden of the
Cinque-Ports for the time being or to his Lieutenant and unto such other
Persons as the Lord High Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seale of England for
the time being or Commissioners for the Custody of the Great Seale shall name
and appoint And likewise that every
Inquisition and Tryall to be had by vertue of such Commission so directed and
sent to any Place in the said Cinque-Ports shall be made and had by the
Inhabitants of the said Cinque-Ports or the Members of the same Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof
[pr.19] And for the
Prevention of Seamen deserting of Merchant Shipps abroad in Parts beyond the
Sea which is the chiefe Occasion of their turning Pirates and of great
Detriment to Trade and Navigation in generall Be it enacted [p.594] by the
Authority aforesaid That all such Seamen
Officers or Saylors who shall desert the Shipps or Vessells wherein they are
hired to serve for that Voyage shall for such Offence forfeite all such Wages
as shall be then due to him or them
[pr.20] And be it
further enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That in case any Master of a Merchant Shipp or Vessell shall after the
Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand and seaven hundred during his
being abroad force any Man on Shore or wilfully leave him behind in any of His
Majesties Plantations or elsewhere or shall refuse to bring home with him
againe all such of the Men which he carried out with him as are in a Condition
to returne when he shall be ready to proceed in his Home-ward-bound Voyage
every such Master shall being thereof legally convicted suffer Three Months
Imprisonment without Baile or Mainprize [3.1].
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